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/jma/:Himawari标准数据(Himawari Standard Data)
/pub/:Himawari地球物理参数数据(Himawari Geophysical Parameter Data),基本实时可用




# Available Himawari Standard Data

## Full-disk
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes
Spatial resolution: 0.5km (band 3), 1km (band 1,2,4), 2km (band 5-16)

## Japan Area
Observation area: Japan area (Region 1 & 2)
Temporal resolution: 2.5-minutes
Spatial resolution: 0.5km (band 3), 1km (band 1,2,4), 2km (band 5-16)

## Target Area
Observation area: Target area (Region 3)
Temporal resolution: 2.5-minutes
Spatial resolution: 0.5km (band 3), 1km (band 1,2,4), 2km (band 5-16)

## Color Image Data
png images of Full-disk, Japan area and Target area, compositing three visible
bands (blue: 0.47 micron; green: 0.51 micron; red: 0.64 micron).


# TOP FTP Directory



# Structure of FTP Directories


where YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline; and
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline.


# File Naming Convention

## Full-disk

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
bb: 2-digit band number (varies from "01" to "16");
jj: spatial resolution ("05": 0.5km, "10": 1.0km, "20": 2.0km);
kk: segment number (varies from "01" to "10"); and
ll: total number of segments (fixed to "10").

example: HS_H08_20150728_2200_B01_FLDK_R10_S0110.DAT

## Japan Area

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
bb: 2-digit band number (varies from "01" to "16");
ee: observation number on the timeline (varies from "01" to "04"); and
jj: spatial resolution ("05": 0.5km, "10": 1.0km, "20": 2.0km);

example: HS_H08_20150728_2200_B01_JP01_R10_S0101.DAT

## Target Area

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
bb: 2-digit band number (varies from "01" to "16");
ee: observation number on the timeline (varies from "01" to "04"); and
jj: spatial resolution ("05": 0.5km, "10": 1.0km, "20": 2.0km);

example: HS_H08_20150728_2200_B01_R301_R10_S0101.DAT

## Color Image Data
PI_Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_TRC_FLDK_Rjj_PGPDF,png (Full-disk)
PI_Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_TRC_JPee_Rjj_PLLJP.png (Japan Area)
PI_Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_TRC_R3ee_Rjj_PLLTG.png (Target Area)

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
ee: observation number on the timeline (varies from "01" to "04"); and
jj: spatial resolution ("05": 0.5km, "10": 1.0km, "20": 2.0km);

example: PI_H08_20150728_2200_TRC_FLDK_R10_PGPFD.png (Full-disk)
PI_H08_20150728_2200_TRC_JP01_R10_PLLJP.png (Japan Area)
PI_H08_20150728_2200_TRC_R301_R10_PLLTG.png (Target Area)


# Format

All data is in Himawari Standard Data (HSD) format and compressed with bzip2,
except the Color Image Data which is archived in png format.





# Available Himawari L1 Gridded Data

## Full-disk
Projection: EQR
Observation area: 60S-60N, 80E-160W
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes
Spatial resolution: 5km (Pixel number: 2401, Line number: 2401)
2km (Pixel number: 6001, Line number: 6001)
Data: albedo(reflectance*cos(SOZ) of band01~band06)
Brightness temperature of band07~band16
satellite zenith angle, satellite azimuth angle,
solar zenith angle, solar azimuth angle, observation hours (UT)

## Japan Area
Projection: EQR
Observation area: 24N-50N, 123E-150E
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes
Spatial resolution: 1km (Pixel number: 2701, Line number: 2601)
Data: albedo(reflectance*cos(SOZ) of band01~band06)
Brightness temperature of band07, 14, 15
satellite zenith angle, satellite azimuth angle,
solar zenith angle, solar azimuth angle, observation hours (UT)


# TOP FTP Directory



# Structure of FTP Directories


where YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline; and
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline.


# File Naming Convention

## Full-disk

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
bb: 2-digit band number (varies from "01" to "16");
xxxxx: pixel number; ("2401": 5km resolution,
"6001": 2km resolution, )
yyyyy: line number; ("2401": 5km resolution,
"6001": 2km resolution, )


## Japan Area

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
bb: 2-digit band number (fixed to "14");
xxxxx: pixel number; (fixed to "2701" : 1km resolution)
yyyyy: line number; (fixed to "2601" : 1km resolution)



# Format

All data is netCDF4 format.




## Level 2 (every 10 minutes)
Aerosol Property (ARP)
Sea Surface Temperature (SST)(near-real-time)
Short Wave Radiation(SWR)
Photosynthetically Available Radiation(PAR)
Cloud Property (CLP)
Wild Fire (WLF)
## Level 3 (hourly, daily, monthly)
Aerosol Property
Sea Surface Temperature (SST)(near-real-time)
Nighttime Sea Surface Temperature (SST)(near-real-time)
Short Wave Radiation(SWR)
Photosynthetically Available Radiation(PAR)
Chlorophyll-a (CHL)
Wild Fire (WLF)

## 2级(每10分钟一次)
## 3级(每小时、每天、每月)



# Available Geophysical Parameters

## Aerosol Property (day-time only)
Latest version: Version 3.1 (Level 2), Version 3.1 (Level 3)
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes (Level 2),1-hour (Level 3),
1-day (Level 3), 1-month (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 5km (Pixel number: 2401, Line number: 2401)
NOTE: Angstrom exponent included this product is under validation.
Users should keep in mind that the data is NOT quality assured.
Improvement in Version 3.1:
Updated error covariance of aerosol model used for a priori estimate or retrieval.
Updated alternative calibration coefficients for Himawari-9.

## Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
Latest version: Version 2.1
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes (Level 2), 1-hour (Level 3),
1-day (Level 3), 1-month (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 2km (Pixel number: 6001, Line number: 6001)

NOTE: Hourly data (Level 3 with temporal resolution of 1-hour) is calculated
from 10-minute data (Level 2) with quality level 5. Daily data (Level 3
with temporal resolution of 1-day) is "daily minimum SST" calculated from
hourly data. Monthly data (Level 3 with temporal resolution of 1-month)
is "monthly mean SST" calculated from hourly data at each pixel.

File version index (fv):
Himawari SST product file has a file version index (fvXX) in the filename to describe
the number of processing times. File version index will be updated for example when
the L3 product file will be re-generated due to L1 missing or delay.
The P-tree system distributes the newest product file regarding the file version index.

Improvement in Version 2.0:
The SST method has been updated with an improved optimal estimation scheme and some minor changes.
Cloud masking has been updated with additional use of visible and short wavelength infrared data
and a new test to detect clouds with the cloud top temperature higher than SST.
In the update, some tests were modified based on the cloud masking developed for SGLI SST.

Improvement in Version 2.1:
Small changes were made for Himawari-9 data processing.
The Bi-Spectral Filter (DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-22-0051.1) is applied for denoising the AHI infrared data.

## Nighttime Sea Surface Temperature
Latest version: Version 2.1
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 1-hour (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 2km (Pixel number: 6001, Line number: 6001)

## Short Wave Radiation / Photosynthetically Available Radiation
Latest version: Version 2.1
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes (Level 2), 1-hour (Level 3),
1-day (Level 3), 1-month (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 5km (Pixel number: 2401, Line number: 2401)
1km Japan* (Pixel number: 2701, Line number: 2601)
* This area coverd 24N-50N, 123E-150E.
NOTE: This product is a beta version and is intended to show the
preliminary result from Himawari-8. Users should keep in mind
that the data is NOT quality assured.

Ver. 2.0:
Vicarious calibration coefficients are updated by considering their temporal change.
Ancillary ozone data source is changed to JMA global chemical transport model data (MRI-CCM2).

Ver. 2.1:
Vicarious calibration coefficients are updated.

## Chlorophyll-a
Latest version: 2.1
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 1-hour (Level 3), 1-day (Level 3), 1-month (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 5km (Pixel number: 2401, Line number: 2401)
1km Japan* (Pixel number: 2701, Line number: 2601)
NOTE: This product is a beta version and is intended to show the
preliminary result from Himawari-8. Users should keep in mind
that the data is NOT quality assured.

Ver. 2.0:
Vicarious calibration coefficients are updated by considering their temporal change.
Ancillary ozone data source is changed to JMA global chemical transport model data (MRI-CCM2).

Ver. 2.1:
Vicarious calibration coefficients are updated.

## Cloud Property (day-time only)
Latest version: 1.0
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes (Level 2)
Spatial resolution: 5km (Pixel number: 2401, Line number: 2401)

## Wild Fire
Latest version: 1.0
Observation area: Full-disk
Temporal resolution: 10-minutes (Level 2), 1-hour (Level 3),
1-day (Level 3), 1-month (Level 3)
Spatial resolution: 2km (10-minutes, 1-hour, 1-day), 0.25 degree (1-month)


# TOP FTP Directory



# Structure of FTP Directories

## Level 2 (every 10 minutes)
### Aerosol Property (ARP) Level 2

### Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Level 2 (near-real-time)

### Short Wave Radiation(SWR)/Photosynthetically Available Radiation(PAR) Level 2

### Cloud Property (CLP) Level 2

### Wild Fire (WLF) Level 2

## Level 3 (hourly, daily, monthly)
### Aerosol Property Level 3

### Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Level 3 (near-real-time)

### Nighttime Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Level 3 (near-real-time)

### Short Wave Radiation(SWR)/Photosynthetically Available Radiation(PAR) Level 3

### Chlorophyll-a (CHL) Level 3

### Wild Fire (WLF) Level 3

where VER: algorithm version;
YYYY: 4-digit year observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline; and
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline.


# File Naming Convention

## Level 2
### Aerosol Property

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
VER: version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_L2ARP030_FLDK.02401_02401.nc

### Sea Surface Temperature

where YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
ss: 2-digit seconds (fixed to "00");
nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
VER: algorithm version; and
FVER: file version;.


### Short Wave Radiation/Photosynthetically Available Radiation
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_RFLVER_FLDK_xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (5km)
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_rFLVER_FLDK_xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (1km)

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: NC_H08_20150727_0800_RFL001_FLDK_02401_02401.nc

### Cloud Property

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
VER: version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_L2CLPbet_FLDK.02401_02401.nc

### Wildfire

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
VER: version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_L2WLF010_FLDK.06001_06001.csv

## Level 3
### Aerosol Property
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_LL_ARPVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (5km)

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
LL: 2-digit temporal resolution (L3:hourly, 1D:daily, 1M:monthly)
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_1H_ARP031_FLDK.02401_02401.nc

### Sea Surface Temperature
YYYYMMDDhhmmss-JAXA-L3C_GHRSST-SSTskin-Hnn_AHI-vVER-v02.0-fvFVER.nc (hourly)
YYYYMMDDhhmmss-JAXA-L3C_GHRSST-SSTskin-Hnn_AHI-vVER_daily-v02.0-fvFVER.nc (daily)
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_HHMM_1MSSTVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (monthly)

where YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline (fixed to "00");
ss: 2-digit seconds of timeline (fixed to "00");
nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
VER: algorithm version;
FVER: file version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

20180804000000-JAXA-L3C_GHRSST-SSTskin-H08_AHI-v2.0-v02.0-fv01.0.nc (hourly)
20180804000000-JAXA-L3C_GHRSST-SSTskin-H08_AHI-v2.0_daily-v02.0-fv01.0.nc (daily)
H08_20180701_0000_1MSST200_FLDK.06001_06001.nc (monthly)

### Nighttime Sea Surface Temperature

where YYYY: 4-digit year observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline(fixed to "00");
ss: 2-digit seconds of timeline(fixed to "00");
nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
VER: algorithm version; and
FVER: file version;.


### Short Wave Radiation/Photosynthetically Available Radiation
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_LL_RFLVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (5km)
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_LL_rFLVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (1km)

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
LL: 2-digit temporal resolution (L3:hourly, 1D:daily, 1M:monthly)
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_1H_RFL001_FLDK.02401_02401.nc

### Chlorophyll-a
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_LL_ROCVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (5km)
Hnn_YYYYMMDD_hhmm_LL_rOCVER_FLDK.xxxxx_yyyyy.nc (1km)

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
LL: 2-digit temporal resolution (1H:hourly, 1D:daily, 1M:monthly)
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20150727_0800_1H_ROC001_FLDK.02401_02401.nc

### Wild Fire

where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-digit minutes of timeline;
LL: 2-digit temporal resolution (L3:hourly, 1D:daily, 1M:monthly)
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20180501_0000_L3WLF010_FLDK.06001_06001.csv


# Format

All data except for Wild Fire is in NetCDF4 format and compressed with gzip.
Please note that NetCDF format of SST (except monthly product) follows
the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS) 2.0. Details of GDS2.0, see the Group of
High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) web site

File format of Wild Fire product is CSV. Please see following file
(H8_WLF_format.txt) for more details.




### Level 4 (model parameters)
Model Aerosol Property
Model Sea Surface Temperature
Ensemble ocean analysis product "LORA"

## 4级(模型参数)



# Model Outputs

## Model Aerosol Property by MRI/JMA
Latest version: Beta Version
Area: Global
Temporal resolution: 1-hour (Level 4)
Spatial resolution: Longitude 0.375 deg., Latitude 0.37147 to 0.37461 deg. (Gaussian)
(Pixel number: 960, Line number: 480)
NOTE: This product is the forecast (every one hour) of aerosol properties by
the MRI/JMA global aerosol model called Model of Aerosol Species IN the Global
AtmospheRe (MASINGAR). This product is assimilated by Himawari L3 aerosol
optical depth at 00, 03, 06, and 09UTC. The opposite side of the Himawari
observation area is assimilated at 12 and 18UTC using MODIS/Terra+Aqua L3
Value-added Aerosol Optical Depth - NRT dataset due to lack of aerosol
retrievals by Himawari.(As for the image on the top page, there are cases
where preliminary forecast is displayed that was derived by assimilating
observation data before the previous day.)
Please refer to the reference below for the assimilation method etc.
The aerosol data assimilation system based on MASINGER was developed
by Meteorological Research Institute and Kyushu University.
The products are produced at Meteorological Research Institute, and provided
by JAXA P-Tree System, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

MODIS/Terra+Aqua L3 Value-added Aerosol Optical Depth - NRT datasets
were acquired from the Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System
(LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC), located in the Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland (https://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/).

## Model Sea Surface Temperature by JAXA/JAMSTEC
Latest version: v20170705
Area: Around Japan (117E-150E, 17N-50N)
Temporal resolution: 1-hour (Level 4)
Spatial resolution: About 3km (1/36 deg.) (Pixel number: 1190, Line number: 1190)
NOTE: This research is JAXA-JAMSTEC joint research and a part of the Japan Coastal
Ocean Predictability Experiment (JCOPE).
This product is constructed by data assimilation using high resolution
regional ocean model "JCOPE-T" developed by JAMSTEC and observation data
including the 4 types satellite SST data provided by JAXA.
When we do the data assimilation, we do the bias correction of satellite
SST data using GCOM-W/AMSR2 SST data as refer to reference value,
because the bias in observation data is undesirable for data assimilation.
Near Real-Time data (analysis and forecast) and Best Estimate data are
included in this product.

Update frequency and period are follow.

Near Real-Time data: Every day except Saturdays.
- Analysis (ANAL): 5-days (replaced every update)
- Forecast (FCST): 16-days (replaced every update)
Best Estimate data: Every week
(update in the beginning of the week; Sunday or Monday)
- This is delay mode data which is provided about two weeks late.
- 7-days data are added every update.

## Ensemble ocean analysis product "LORA" by JAXA/RIKEN
Latest version: v1.0
Area: Western North Pacific (108E-180,12N-50N), Maritime Continent (95E-136E,18S-30N)
Temporal resolution: 1-day (Level 4)
Spatial resolution: About 10km (0.1 degree), 50 sigma-layers
- Daily averaged ensemble mean and spread (one 2D-variable, five 3D-variables):
Sea surface height, temperature, salinity, and zonal, meridional, and vertical velocities
- Daily averaged all sea surface ensemble (five 2D-128 ensemble variables):
Sea surface height, temperature, salinity, and zonal and meridional velocities
- Ensemble mean of each term in the daily averaged mixed layer temperature and salinity
budget equations and of the daily averaged related variables (forty-one 2D-variables,
see MLT_MLS_namelist_en.pdf for more details)
Note: An ensemble ocean analysis product, LORA, is created by a regional ocean data assimilation
system, sbPOM-LETKF, which is developed by RIKEN. sbPOM-LETKF assimilates the following
satellite and in-situ observations at a 1-day interval:
- Satellite-based sea surface temperature (Himawari-8/AHI and GCOM-W/AMSR2)
provided by JAXA
- Satellite-based sea surface salinity (SMAP and SMOS, respectively)
provided by NASA and ESA
- Satellite-based sea surface height provided by CMEMS
- in-situ temperature and salinity (GTSPP and AQC Argo, respectively)
provided by NOAA and JAMSTEC

This product has been created under a JAXA-RIKEN collaborative research project.


# TOP FTP Directory



# Structure of FTP Directories

### Level 4 (model parameters)
### Model Aerosol Property (MRI/JMA)

where VER: algorithm version;
YYYY: 4-digit year observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline; and
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline.

### Mpdel Sea Surface Temperature (JAXA/JAMSTEC)
where VER: algorithm version;
YYYY: 4-digit year observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline; and
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline.

FCST: Near Real-Time data (Forecast)
ANAL: Near Real-Time data (Analysis)
BEST: Best Estimate data

# Ensemble ocean analysis product "LORA" (JAXA/RIKEN)

where VER: algorithm version;
AREA: Analysis area;
    MC: Maritime Continent
    WNP: North West Pacific
CAT: category
     ens: Daily averaged all sea surface ensemble
    mean: Ensemble mean and daily average of mixed layer related variabless
    sprd: Daily averaged ensemble mean and spread
YYYY: 4-digit year observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline; and
DD: 2-digit day of timeline.


# File Naming Convention

## Level 4 (model parameters)
### Model Aerosol Property (MRI/JMA)


where nn: 2-digit number of Himawari satellite;
08: Himawari-8
09: Himawari-9
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;
VER: algorithm version;
xxxxx: pixel number; and
yyyyy: line number.

Example: H08_20180727_0000_MSARPbet_ANL.00960_00480.nc

### Model Sea Surface Temperature (JAXA/JAMSTEC)

where YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline;
DD: 2-digit day of timeline;
hh: 2-digit hour of timeline;
mm: 2-gidit minutes of timeline;

Example: JCPT_DA_JPN03_SST_20181024_1200.nc

## Ensemble ocean analysis product "LORA" (JAXA/RIKEN)

where prm: parameters;
el: sea surface height
    s: salimity
    t: temprature
    u: zonal velocity
   v: meridional velocity
w: vertical velocity
    ** See MLT_MLS_namelist_en.pd for mixed layer related parameters
YYYY: 4-digit year of observation start time (timeline);
MM: 2-digit month of timeline; and
DD: 2-digit day of timeline.

Example: el20230330.nc


# Format

All data is in NetCDF4 format.




import netCDF4 as nc
from osgeo import gdal, osr
import numpy as np
import os


tep_data = nc.Dataset(input_path)


# 查看nc文件中的变量信息


# 获取nc文件中对应变量的信息
lon_data = tep_data.variables["longitude"][:]
lat_data = tep_data.variables["latitude"][:]

# 影像的左上角&右下角坐标
# print(lonmin, latmax, lonmax, latmin)

# 分辨率计算
num_lon = len(lon_data)
num_lat = len(lat_data)
lon_res = (lonmax - lonmin) / (float(num_lon) - 1)
lat_res = (latmax - latmin) / (float(num_lat) - 1)
# 定义六参数,设置影像的显示范围和分辨率
# 影像左上角横坐标:geoTransform[0]
# 影像左上角纵坐标:geoTransform[3]
# 遥感图像的水平空间分辨率为geoTransform[1]
# 遥感图像的垂直空间分辨率为geoTransform[5]
# 通常geoTransform[5]与geoTransform[1]相等
# 如果遥感影像方向没有发生旋转,即上北、下南,则geoTransform[2] 与 row *geoTransform[4] 为零。
geotransform = (lonmin, lon_res, 0.0, latmax, 0.0, -lat_res)


# 定义投影
proj = osr.SpatialReference()
proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # WGS84
proj = proj.ExportToWkt() # 重点,转成wkt格式
# print(prj) 字符串


# 获取葵花数据16个波段变量名称
H_Keys = ['albedo_01', 'albedo_02', 'albedo_03', 'albedo_04', 'albedo_05', 'albedo_06', 'tbb_07', 'tbb_08', 'tbb_09', 'tbb_10', 'tbb_11', 'tbb_12', 'tbb_13', 'tbb_14', 'tbb_15', 'tbb_16']

im_height = tep_data.dimensions["latitude"].size
im_width = tep_data.dimensions["longitude"].size
bands = tep_data.dimensions["band"].size
H_bands = np.zeros((im_height, im_width, bands), dtype = np.float64)
for i in range(len(H_Keys)):
band_key = H_Keys[i]
H_bands[:,:,i] = tep_data.variables[band_key][:]

filename = os.path.basename(input_path).split(".")[0] + ".tif"
# 注意区分os.sep.join()和os.path.join()的区别
output_filepath = os.path.join(output_path,filename)
write_img(output_filepath, proj, geotransform, H_bands)